During your time as a network engineer, you may be required to collect log files and RSI info to assist JTAC with investigations.
RSI Collection
request support information | save /var/tmp/rsi_DEVICE_NAME_OR_DATE.txt
Save to a directory of your choice, but I prefer /tmp due to ease of location when transferring the files off.
This process may hang for a bit, but don’t panic; this is normal. Depending on the device, this process can take up to 5 minutes but doesn’t affect traffic or the device.
Log File Collection
file archive compress source /var/log/* destination /var/tmp/logs_DEVICE_NAME_OR_DATE
This command compresses the logs directory into a single file and saves the file to the /var/tmp directory.
Transfer them out!
That’s it. Once complete, you can transfer the files from the device over to your machine (with FTP/ SFTP or whatever suits you) in readiness to be sent to your support provider/ JTAC.
A recommended piece of software to use is WinSCP, a free to use (and essential) toolkit to obtain the logs from your device. Simply set the remote location to /var/tmp and login with your usual credentials and pull the files from the devie.